What Constitutes an Air Conditioning Emergency? - A Guide from the Experts

When it comes to air conditioning emergencies, temperature outside is a major factor. Learn what constitutes an AC emergency & how to avoid it.

What Constitutes an Air Conditioning Emergency? - A Guide from the Experts

When it comes to air conditioning emergencies, the temperature outside is a major factor. In multi-family environments, a broken air conditioning unit is usually considered an emergency if the outside temperature is at least 90°F.


, there are other scenarios that always amount to an air conditioning emergency. If your air conditioner stops working and weather warnings predict that the daytime temperature will be around 100°F and nighttime temperatures of 80°F or higher, your air conditioner requires immediate service.

Additionally, if an air conditioning cut occurs and there are babies, elderly people or people with health risks inside, this is also considered an emergency. Dangerously low or high temperatures aren't the only reason to consider a broken air conditioning system an emergency. If you notice a strange smell coming from your AC unit, this could be a sign of a gas leak and should be addressed promptly. That's why the best emergency air conditioning repair services should also provide expert maintenance services.

At DCAC Air and Heat in Orlando, Florida, we offer on-call service and can answer any questions or book a visit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We provide excellent maintenance and installation services that can help you avoid an air conditioning emergency. Luxury Air in Montgomery County, Texas also provides top-notch maintenance and installation service that helps prevent an air conditioning emergency from occurring in the first place. It's important to remember that when it comes to air conditioning emergencies, prevention is key.

Regular maintenance and inspections can help you identify potential problems before they become emergencies. If you do find yourself in an emergency situation, make sure to contact a professional right away. The sooner you get help, the better off you'll be in the long run.

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